A hybrid training course…

A hybrid training course…
What is a hybrid training course and why should you attend?
During 2020 we have developed skills that have enabled us to work solely in the virtual environment. Why not utilise these skills and connect virtually to any face-to-face training course Eagle Technology offers from the comfort of your own office or home?
Eagle Technology refer to a course where we have learners attending face-to-face and virtually as a hybrid training course. We believe offering hybrid training courses will be especially useful if you or your organisation are travel time and budget poor.
What does a hybrid training course entail?
When attending a face-to-face course virtually you will get the same level of interactivity as you would if you were in the physical classroom. You will be able to see and interact with other participants and the instructor throughout the course.
You will get hands-on practice with ArcGIS software using a virtual machine that is fully loaded with the data and software for your course. The instructor can view and monitor your progress and offer assistance when needed.
You will be able to download a copy of the course manual in a searchable and editable PDF format which includes the concepts covered in the class, activities, and step-by-step exercise instructions as well as additional references.
You can also download a copy of the course data to your computers for independent practice at a later date.
How to register
Visit the Eagle Technology website to register on a course and simply tick the “I will be attending this course virtually” tick box to let Eagle know you will be attending a face-to-face course virtually.
Maybe we will see you online attending a hybrid training course soon.
If you have any further questions about hybrid courses, please don't hesitate to contact Claire Thurlow, Eagle Technology's GIS Training and Education Manager.
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