NZ Vector Basemap February Update: 3 New Styles Released!

NZ Vector Basemap February Update: 3 New Styles Released!
At the end of 2019, we released our first New Zealand vector basemap, our NZ Topographic Map and today we are pleased to announce the release of 3 new styles...
These new styles are as follows:
These styles are all based on Esri's World Basemap styles and allow you to customise the style of the basemap to your heart's content using Esri's Vector Tile Style Editor.
What sets these NZ basemaps apart from Esri's world basemaps is that:
- They are delivered in New Zealand's Transverse Mercator (NZTM) Projection, and
- They bring together the most up to date freely available datasets in New Zealand
If you’d like to get hands on immediately with the new styles, check out our latest StoryMap update. Or, if you missed our first release at the end of last year and you’d like to find out more information on the benefits of vector basemaps, please visit our original StoryMap.
Start using the new basemaps today!
By default, your organization uses a basemap gallery set by Esri. You can configure your basemap gallery if you have administrator privileges in your organization. For example, you can combine Esri's Web Mercator basemaps with Eagle's NZTM basemaps, or you can create a completely custom basemap gallery including basemaps authored by you. This could include your own stylised version of the vector tiles. To find out more on how to add custom basemaps to your organisations basemap group, click here.
If you'd like to add the new vector basemaps to your ArcGIS Online or Portal organisation, or to keep up to date with the latest styles to be released, please join the Eagle Technology NZ Vector Basemap group and save them to your organisation.
And of course, you can find the new basemaps by searching the Living Atlas within the ArcGIS Online map viewer or within ArcGIS Pro.
What's coming...
5 styles down, many more to come!
- Tiling Scheme changes for our existing raster basemaps so you can overlay NZ Imagery with our new vector basemaps.
- More NZ styles: Canvas Reference, Canvas Base, Imagery Hybrid, Community and more.
- Regular, automated data updates from LINZ, OpenStreetMap and more.
- More ready to use content made available in the Living Atlas.
The existing Eagle basemaps are incredibly popular and we think our new vector basemaps will be even more so! We encourage you to start using them by adding them to your basemap gallery and we are excited to see how you style your own basemaps. So get creative, build your own styles, and we'd love it if you were to share them with us.
We really value your feedback, so if you have any comments, queries or suggestions on the vector basemaps, please let us know at
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